Since specific activities will vary from organization to organization, our programs and work processes are individualized with our fee structure and work plan designed to best fit your needs and budget.  Our services include:

- Program Design and Development   
Evaluate organizational needs and work with you to design and implement the best educational program to meet those needs. 

• Evaluate and assess your current program design and operations
• Explore best practices in similar programs
• Make recommendations to improve program design and operations 

- Character Development and Education   
Provide schools with consulting and trainign services to assist studnets in assessing modifying school behavior.  Workshops cover:

Anti-bullying education
• Character and personality assessments
• Conflict resolution 

- 21st Century Educational Technology
Find resources and design integrated activities in which students and teachers develop 21st century technology skills through class-based educational activities.

• Research and recommend appropriate technology-based teaching and learning tools/resources
• Develop training and other resources to help with 21st century skill development 

- Instructional Program and Learning Practices
Provide guidance in improving, developing and implementing the most effective educational practices for your audience.

• Develop strategies to reach all learners
• Recommend new instructional and learning resources and practices

- Grants and Alternative Funding 
Research, recommend and write grants. One goal of our work is for our services to be funded through grants thus allowing the school to allocate previously budgeted funds in other ways.

- Web Presence, Promotion and Marketing 
Evaluate your current online presence and develop a plan that will (1) provide a better and more informative user/visitor experience, (2) make better use of today's technology such as social networking, interactive content, etc... and (3) integrate strategies to better promote and market your program online.

- Course Development and Facilitation 
Design and teach additional web-based high school courses for your organization.  Refer to for more information.